What is Subconscious Mind?
Our mind has many layer which control our life. The outer most layer is mind which control the conscious behaviour or action is the conscious mind. Below this layer the subconscious mind exist.
Our subconscious mind controls ninety percent of our life. It contains infinite energy and intelligence within itself. Our all the past memory remain embedded within subconscious mind.
Subconscious processes are always lifeward and constructive . Subconscious mind is the builder of our body and maintain all the vital function of our body without any conscious control of mind.
For example breathing, heart beats, neural impulse, blood circulation etc. happen in our body automatically without any conscious control of our mind. It remains active for twenty four hours a day and never sleeps.
Subconscious mind is in touch with infinite life and boundless wisdom and its impulses and ideas are always lifeward. The great leader, scientists, poets, speakers, writer of the world knows to use their subconscious mind to achieve height of greatness.
What is the Neuroscience of Subconscious mind?
The interaction of our subconscious and conscious mind requires a similar interaction between corresponding system of nerves.
The cerebrospinal system is the organ of the conscious mind and sympathetic system is the organ of the subconscious mind . The cerebrospinal system is the channel through which you receive conscious perception by means of your five physical senses and exercise control over the movement of the body.
This system has its nerves in the brain and it is the channel of your volitional and conscious mental function. The sympathetic system sometimes referred as involuntary nervous system has its centre in ganglionic mass at the back of the stomach known as the solar plexus and it is sometime referred as abdominal brain. It is the channel of that mental action which unconsciously supports the vital function of the body .
It acts nights and day whether you act upon it or not. It is the silent builder of your body but you can’t see, hear or feel it building as all this is a silent process. Subconscious mind have a life of its own which is always moving towards harmony, peace and health.
How to Reprogramme your subconscious mind?
Our Subconscious mind has power to show you path to achieve anything you wanted in your life. The famous writer and psychologist D. Joseph Murphy in his book “Power of Subconscious Mind” mentioned several techniques to activates our subconscious mind.
The Visualization Techniques : The most obvious and easiest way to formulate an idea is to visualise it, to see it in your mind’s eye as vividly as if it were alive. If you can build strong visualisation for the things you wanted in your life , your subconscious mind finds a way to make it reality. Any picture which you have in your mind, is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. What you form in your imagination is as real as any part of your body.
Baudin Technique : Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He was a brilliant psychotherapist and a research director of the New Nancy School of Healing, who in 1910 taught that the best way to impress the subconscious mind was to enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to sleep in which all effort was reduced to a minimum. Then in a quiet, passive, receptive way, by reflection, he would convey the idea to the subconscious. The following is his formula: “A very simple way of securing this (impregnation of the subconscious mind) is to condense the idea, which is to be the object of suggestion, to sum it up in a brief phase, which can be readily graven on the memory and to repeat it over and over again as a lullaby.”
The Affirmative method : In this method you affirm your mind that your idea is true regardless of all the evidence to the contrary and you will receive an answer to your prayers. Repeating an affirmation, knowing what you are saying and why you are saying it, leads the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which you state as true, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary . Keep on affirming the truths of life until you get the subconscious reaction, which satisfies.
The Augmented method: In brief, the argumentative method employed according to Quimby consists of spiritual reasoning where you convince the patient and yourself that sickness is due to his false belief, groundless fears and negative patterns lodged in his subconscious mind. You reason it out clearly in your mind and convince your patient that the disease or ailment is due only to a distorted, twisted pattern of thought, which has taken form in the body. This wrong belief in some external power and external causes has now externalized itself as sickness, and can be changed by changing the thought patterns.How To Receive Guidance From Your Subconscious?Here is a simple technique you can use to receive guidance on any subject: Quiet the mind and still the body. Tell the body to relax; it has to obey you. It has no volition, initiative or self conscious intelligence. Your body is an emotional disk which records your beliefs and impressions.
Mobilize your attention, focus your thought on the solution to your problem. Try to solve it with your conscious mind. Think how happy you would be about the perfect solution. Sense the feeling you would have if the perfect answer were yours now.
Let your mind play with this mood in a relaxed way; then drop off to sleep. When you awaken, and you do not have the answer, get busy about something else. Probably, when you are preoccupied with something else, the answer will come into your mind like toast pops out of a toaster.
How your subconscious mind helps to make you happy?William James, father of American psychology, said that the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century was not in the realm of physical science. The greatest discovery was the power of the subconscious touched by faith.
In every human being is that limitless reservoir of power which can overcome any problem in the world. Happiness is a state of mind. We have freedom to choose happiness. Your subconscious mind has great role to keep your mind happy. It will follow the command of your conscious mind.
So every morning just after wake up tell yourself that ” Today is a wonderful day in my life. Our subconscious mind knows the key to happiness for us and it always attract happiness towards me” Start each days like this and you will be happier.
But many people choose unhappiness by entertaining negative idea in his mind like “Today is a bad day, Every one is bad ” using this kind of phrase. The happiest man is he who constantly brings forth and practices what is best in him.
How to overcome fear of failure with the help of subconscious mind?
The main reason behind our failure is our fear. Fear is nothing but a imaginary thought which obstruct us to take action.
Our subconscious mind works on the suggestion from conscious mind. As our subconscious mind never judge our commands it assume our negative thoughts as true.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet, said, “Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain.” When you affirm positively that you are going to master your fears, and you come to a definite decision in your conscious mind, you release the power of the subconscious which flows in response to the nature of your thought.
The following is a process and technique for overcoming fear of failure. For example If you are afraid of the water, in your imagination swim freely and joyously. Project yourself into the water mentally. Feel the chill and thrill of swimming across the pool. Make it vivid. As you do this subjectively, you will be compelled to go into the water and conquer it. This is the law of your mind.
If you are afraid of closed places, such as elevators, lecture halls etc., mentally ride in an elevator blessing all its parts and functions. You will be amazed how quickly the fear will be dissipated.The great law of substitution is the answer to fear.
Whatever you fear has its solution in the form of your desire. If you are sick, you desire health. If you are in the prison of fear, you desire freedom. Expect the good. Mentally concentrate on the good, and know that your subconscious mind answers you always. It never fails. So it is only you who can causes your fear caused due to your suggestion to subconscious mind. Look at your fears; hold them up to the light of reason. Learn to laugh at your fears. That is the best medicine.
Reference – “The Power of your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy .