Mindfulness of Walking

Walking meditation is one of the most enjoyable form of mindfulness practice and it has the advantage that you can do it without taking extra time of your day. Any time you walk , you can use the act of walking as a way to bring yourself out of your head and into the present moment. You can also do it as a practice, taking a few minutes out at any time for a mindful walk around the room or at anywhere.

How to practice mindfulness of Walking?

    Start by feeling the earth beneath your feet. As already discussed, you can feel all the different parts of your feet connecting to the ground, the weight of your body going down, the sense of gravity.Now transfer your weight into your left legs and feet as your right legs empties out and weight goes into your left foot. Slowly let your right heel comes off the ground and then the whole of your right foot tuning in to all the physical sensations in your feet and legs.Then take a step forward, feel your right foot move through the air. Place the heel then the rest of the foot onto the floor, maintaining awareness of the physical sensation as you transfer your weight into your right foot and your left foot empties of weight.Continue walking, staying aware of the sensations in the soles of your feet as they make contact with the floor, and of any sensations in the muscles of the legs. Begin very slowly and then when you feel comfortable you can gradually pick up the pace. You don’t have to look at your feet.When your mind wanders off, just notice this and bring back your attention slowly into the sensations of your feet and legs. You can use the contact of your feet on the floor as an anchor to bring you back into the present moment, just as we use the breath in sitting meditation.

    As your mind becomes more focussed on the walking, feel free to raise your gaze and take in the environment around you. Notice the trees, people, shops , sky whatever object is there , still keep part of your awareness in your feet.

    What is the benefit of mindful walking?

    Mindful walking can provide a sense of space within a busy day, and can leave you feeling calmer and less exhausted when you arrive at your next destination. If you can really bring awareness to this simple act, it will provide a thread of mindfulness which will help you to become more present and awake in your everyday life

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